
The Best Work-From-Home Cities in 2021: Bear Valley Springs, CA


Rank: #2 (US)
: 5,389
Lowest cost for gigabit broadband: $60
Provider: Race Communications
(See all of this city’s ISP options at BroadbandNow.)
Median home price: $357,800
Median home size: 6 rooms
Coffee shops per 100K: 18
Parks per 100K: 15
Non-chain restaurants: 74%
Workers in arts and education: 10.1%
Health care practitioners: 7.7%
Workers at home: 12.8%

If you’re looking to make a mountain retreat your new home, consider Bear Valley Springs, a private, gated community nestled in the Tehachapi Mountains. According to Wikipedia, this town offers pleasantly cooler weather than surrounding places during the summer; you’ll definitely see snow in the winter. You can also take a look at nearby Stallion Springs and Golden Hills for remote-working arrangements. The population is just under 5,400, and many residents are retirees.

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